Wristwatches and Men’s Formal Wear
[caption id="attachment_96" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Wristwatches and Men’s Formal Wear"]
[/caption]The wristwatch has been a mainstay for centuries. There are ultra precise Swiss wristwatches, ultra expensive babbles such as those made by Rolex and ultra affordable watches made by companies such as Timex. Often when we talk about men’s formal wear, we are concerned about cufflinks and studs and, sometimes other types of jewelry such as rings. But what about the wristwatch?
Sport Watches
Have you ever seen a sport watch that looks fashionable? Sport watches tend to be the ugly the cousin of timekeeping when it comes to wrist wear. If you’re dressed in a dinner jacket you should not be wearing one of those multi-faced, ultra high tech, plastic pieces. If you do, you may as well throw the cummerbund on upside down and slip on some brown penny loafers.
Trendy Ceramics
There are various trendy watches, ceramics and composites, that are very contemporary and that may look right when you’re attired in formal wear. But that depends on the style of the formal wear and how trendy that watch is.
If you’re wearing something formal that goes against the dress code, that breaks the rules a bit, then a contemporary wristwatch that is tasteful and looks like it’s upscale could be appropriate. But if you’re going for the classic look in men's formal wear then stay away some this type of timepiece.
Gold Standard
Classic fashion is classic fashion and if you’re going formal then your wristwatch should be coordinated with your tux. If you don’t own a dress watch, then simply forgo wearing a wristwatch. It’s that simple. The main thing is you don’t want to look like you’re completely together and then suddenly when you check to see what time it is break the illusion. Remember the wrist when wearing men’s formal wear.
Hi tech wristwatch, not a Rolex.