Jackass 3-D: Acting Stupid, Looking Formal?
[caption id="attachment_100" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="The Less than Formal Red Carpet"]
[/caption]Jackass 3-D: Acting Stupid, Looking Good
They were there, the Jackass immortals (okay maybe not immortals, really the crazy creators): Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and Barn Margera. It was the premiere of Jackass 3-D. You know, that popular TV show and now movie series devoted to doing really stupid, dangerous things that might severely injure the participants and makes everyone watching the antics cringe and squirm.
You might think that the creators would look…well…like jackasses. You know, instead of dressed to the nines, dressed to the negative 13s? But the fact is the principals involved in the movie looked very good. At least, Johnny Knoxville did.
His Attire
Officially, Knoxville was not dressed in formal wear. However, he was looking very good in his dark pinstripe suit, black tie and white shirt. Knoxville is considered to be Hollywood eye-candy, along with being a tad warped and very rich. He really brought it all together at the premiere.
It wasn’t a tux, but it also wasn’t a T-shirt, ripped jeans and green sneakers. He wore what is appropriate to today’s Hollywood premiere.
The Less than Formal Red Carpet
Over the years as far as men’s formal wear is concerned, the Hollywood red carpet has gone from being ultra formal to very casual. You can also see styles that encompass everything in between.
In Hollywood, men’s formal wear tends to be reserved for the awards shows. Knoxville looked about as good as most guys do and as dressed up as most men get when attending a premiere.
The Standard
In a recent blog, we had a photo of Sly Stallone, Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke at the premiere of The Expendables. Stallone exuded grace, charm and class. His suit was impeccable. Knoxville captured much of the same feel.
That look and feel should be the standard for a Hollywood premiere. These guys are after all “stars” and that means that they should dress as such. Sure the era of the actor-in-a-tux movie premiere is over, but that doesn’t mean the male stars can’t glisten and shine a little.
Johnny Knoxville at Jackass 3-D premiere