Prom Tuxedo Vests: Which Colors are Hot this Prom Season?
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[/caption]Like most guys, you're probably not used to shopping for formal wear. With prom on the horizon, though, it's time to get in gear. On the outset, shopping for a prom tux may seem a bit overwhelming; by taking it piece by piece, the process becomes a whole lot easier. One of the main things that's going to set you apart on prom night is your tuxedo vest. By selecting a stylishly trendy tuxedo vest for prom, you'll be able to pull off a slick look with ease. The hot prom vest colors for 2011 are in; learn more about them below!
The Classic Black Tuxedo Vest for Prom
When in doubt, go with black. Black tuxedo vests never go out of style. Better still, you can wear a black vest to any formal event without raising any eyebrows. Although black isn't going to make you stand out from the crowd, it is a quick, easy and reliable color for any guy who wants to achieve a timelessly classic look.
The Striking Style of Platinum
There are plenty of splashy colors out there in the world of prom tuxedo vests. However, they aren't for everyone. If you'd like to pull off an eye-catching yet low-key look - but want to go beyond basic black - platinum is a wonderful choice. There's sure to be many platinum prom tux vests out on the dance floor this season, since it's one look that never gets old or played out.
Brighten Up the Night with a Pink Tuxedo Vest
In 2011, real men wear pink. That's not to say that you should deck yourself out in head-to-toe pink; however, a splash of the traditionally feminine color goes a really long way. There's more than one shade of pink; a hot pink tuxedo vest is sure to get you plenty of attention, while a subdued bubblegum shade works well, too. If you're feeling especially daring, try on a fuchsia hue for size.
Pink, black and platinum are all excellent options for prom tux vests in 2011. Other hot colors to consider include teal, champagne and kiwi. Make sure to confer with your prom date before making your final choice; she'd probably like to coordinate with you as well as possible. Whatever tuxedo vest you choose, remember that you can always invest in additional colors down the line. That way, you'll always be ready for anything!