Top 3 Prom Tuxedo Styles By Era
Figuring out what to wear for prom can be a struggle - from deciding on which dress socks match with what pants, along with which colors pair with whatever tuxedo accessories you need. The process becomes more arduous when it comes to designing the right formal wear ensemble. Prom is a big deal and you want to stand out and look great. It might help to create a look that works well with the theme of the dance. Read for ideas on tuxedo styles to choose from and combinations that will make your outfit unique!
Ready to rock prom? Put on a slim fit tuxedo.[/caption]
The centerpiece of this outfit is essentially the slim fit tux. There are no extra frills or pops of color. This outfit may look simple but its minimalist and polished style will surely capture everyone's attention. A body sculpting tuxedo jacket, a standard black bow tie, and black patent leather tuxedo shoes would be a sure hit combination. A cummerbund can be a nice addition but many tend to associate it with black tie affairs like a cotillion or a wedding. Plain black tuxedo vests can also be included as part of this look and will even act as your shirt's buffer from any dirt or stains (let's face it, prom nights tend to get wild).
Look stylish and stunning with this classy fedora.[/caption]
The 1920’s was one of the most luxurious times in history. Parties were held frequently and fashion was at a high point. Tuxedos were tailor-made and rarely had a thread out of place. To bring back this look and fit it to modern times, there are a variety of accessories you can experiment with. A Formal Black Wool Felt Jazz Hat can be included to help your outfit. A silver striped cummerbund and tie or a plain black one will also complement this outfit well, but also consider any additional color like red might eliminate the style you’re going for. Finally, a formal cane is a nice flourish to include that makes this 20's look complete.
Elegant with a touch of pink.[/caption]
Moving forward into the twentieth century, the 80’s had numerous events unfold making the time period significant even though formal wear fashion wasn’t one of them. Despite this, there are numerous ideas for a tux representing this era. The key here is bright colors. Clashing helps as well so search for a novelty tuxedo vest that could have unique designs like music notes or even jaguar print. Pastels and neon colors like blues and purples provide that tacky but classy look. A white tuxedo with a rose colored lapel or a pure powder blue accompanied by a pair of black and white patent leather shoes. The brighter you are, the better you’ll capture the 80's style.
There are countless ways to form a special formal wear look. Colors are primarily the sole technique to experiment with since clashing and matching can fit what you need. Try gloves too in either white, black or grey. They could be the focus piece of the outfit and can be included in any look. While these are just some helpful suggestions, be daring and create your own. Prom is a special time so wear something only for this special occasion!
Current, Sleek and Modern
[caption id="attachment_2007" align="aligncenter" width="205"]
Roaring 20's
[caption id="attachment_2008" align="aligncenter" width="235"]
Loud 80's
[caption id="attachment_2009" align="aligncenter" width="300"]