The 2013 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and Banquet
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Arieh Warshel receiving his Nobel Prize in Chemistry.[/caption]
There are very few events across the world that demand international attention and worldwide respect quite like the Nobel Prize Ceremonies. On the magical night of December 10th, the Swedish Royal family welcomes world renowned individuals who have made tremendous steps in various fields and awards them with a remarkable honor, allowing their work and success to live in infamy. Here, we share with you the traditional men's formal wear as well as some background on one of the most prestigious events in the world.
The 2013 Nobel Prize Laureates in Economic Sciences Eugene F. Fama, standing right from left, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller.[/caption]

The History
Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to Laureates during ceremonies on every 10th of December on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death in 1896. Stipulated in the will of the Swedish inventor, Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are annually awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. The additional prize in economics has since been added to the ceremony in Sweden. The Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm has consistently taken place, without too many exceptions, at the Stockholm Concert Hall (Stockholms Konserthus) since 1926. In Oslo, the ceremony was held for many years at the Nobel Institute, however in 1990 the event was moved to the Oslo City Hall.The Ceremonies
In Oslo, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates receive their Nobel Peace Prize from the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee whilst in the presence of King Harald V of Norway. The Nobel Laureates deliver their lectures during the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony. At the Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, the lectures are presented days before the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. On the day of, presentation speeches are given to each Laurette along with the discovery of their work, after which after which His Majesty the King of Sweden hands each Laureate a diploma, medal, and a document confirming the Nobel Prize amount from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. The Ceremony is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall (Stockholms Stadshus), arranged by the Nobel Foundation to serve as an academic celebration focused on science and literature. The Nobel Laureates and their families along with Their Majesties the King and Queen and other members of the Royal Family of Sweden are guests of honor at both the Prize Award Ceremony and the Banquet. Representatives of the Swedish Government and Parliament also participate along with international guests. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="540"]