Star Formal Fashion Choices at The Expendables
[caption id="attachment_75" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Star Formal Fashion Choices at The Expendables"]
[/caption]There were four male Hollywood stars on the red carpet for the August premiere of The Expendables and each was attired in their own fashion. So, which looks the least “expendable” when is comes to their fashion choices? The four guys, from left to right Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Kellen Lutz, offer quite a contrast.
For sheer comfort and that sports bar look, Lutz wins hands down. The guy is buff and young and looks good in anything. But he also looks like he might be Rourke’s gardener or pool boy.
Rourke went a very interesting way. The three-piece suit says, “I am open and casual.” That’s because the jacket is open, the shirt collar is open and the cuffs on his rather gaudy shirt are open and flowing out from under his jacket sleeves. Then there’s the vest. That part of his outfit is confining and, in a way formal, as are the chains that loop down from the sides of his jacket. The brown shoes work with the multicolored shirt. This isn’t formal. It’s just Mickey being Mickey.
Willis went semi-formal with the black dinner jacket, black formal pants and shinny black loafers. The white shirt, totally open at the collar, is conservatively casual. It makes me think of him on Moonlighting with Cybil Shepard.
Finally, there is Stallone. At 64, he’s by far the oldest of the four. Sly looks like a guy who was made to wear a suit. The black jacket and pants have a slight pin stripe that tapers Stallone’s frame nicely. The jacket offers a longer cut that solidly frames the lower part of his trunk. The white shirt with cufflinks and gold tie give him a formality above and beyond the other three.
Stallone wins the “least expendable fashion award” at this summer’s premiere of The Expendables.