On the Level with Men’s Formal Wear
[caption id="attachment_195" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="On the Level with Men’s Formal Wear"]
[/caption]On the Level with Men’s Formal Wear
One way to create a unique look with you dinner jacket is to embellish your shirt with a pair of unique cufflinks. These cufflinks may be connected to a specific holiday such as St. Patrick’s Day, a sport such as football or to some aspect of your life or personality. It is really up to you. You see the great thing about cufflinks it that they can capture someone’s attention without going over the top.
Level Links
Here’s an example of a pair of distinctive cufflinks that you can wear to define who you are. These cufflinks are miniature levels—the type of tool a carpenter would use to ensure that their work is “true.” That is, that it is truly on the level.
These cufflinks are real levels and they include the buddle of air that needs to find the center mark exactly to really be plumb. Carpenters, wood workers, craftsmen, hobbyists, plain and plane straight shooters should wear these green and silver ornaments.
They are distinctively different and purposefully refined. They are the perfect match for those elegant French cuffs.
Men’s Formal Wear and Cufflinks
You know, men’s formal wear is partly about attiring yourself in a unique but traditional manner. If you want to go all the way with your tux, then find yourself some purposeful, tasteful and distinctive cufflinks that will say that you are indeed you. By the way—make sure you have the right shirt. It should be a men’s formal shirt with French cuffs. Anything less is not worth wearing. Put on a T-shirt if you don’t have French cuffs.
Dress up, look and feel great and add some flair with specially chosen cufflinks. They are the men’s formal wear accessory of choice and individuality.