Obama vs. Romney – Style and Flair on the 2012 Campaign Trail
[caption id="attachment_853" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Vie for the Oval Office."]
Mitt Romney. Barack Obama. With the presidential election a few short months away, the 2012 campaign for the oval office is definitely heating up. Both candidates are touring the country, making speeches and public appearances as they battle for the nation's highest office. We at Fine Tuxedos thought we'd scrutinize both the Incumbent Democrat Barack Obama and the Republican challenger Mitt Romney according to the most all-important but seldom-discussed criterion of them all: style. Both men have presidential hopes, but do they have the wardrobe necessary to lead the nation? Let's take a closer look at the candidates and see how they hold up.
[caption id="attachment_854" align="aligncenter" width="220" caption="Barack Obama - 2009 Inaugural Ball, Jezebel"]
Our 44th president is greatly admired for a number of reasons, including his public speaking and candidacy with regard to important decisions. Mr. Obama did stir up not a little controversy, however, with his attire at the inaugural ball. A number of journalists and online writers commented on the president's decision to wear a white bow tie with a notched-lapel tuxedo – a faux-pas on a number of levels. Not only was the ball a black-tie event (making Mr. Obama's white tie an unnecessary gesture) but the president also wore a wristwatch, which can be considered a rude demonstration of impatience at such an event.
The president's wardrobe had its supporters as well, however. In fact, Obama's crisp dress led him to be named a 'style icon' by askmen.com in an article that praised his clean-cut looks and simple accessories in addition to his excellent taste in designers. When it comes to issues of style, president Obama is consistent in his fashionable stand.
Mitt Romney is, unsurprisingly, more conservative in his attire. The former governor of Massachusetts was noted by StyleBistro.com for his short side part and button-down shirt look. On less formal occasions, the Republican candidate favors a cropped jacket, giving him a grandfatherly look to go with his graying hair – which might be unsurprising considering the fact that he is, in fact, a grandfather. You can see one of the few images of Mitt Romney in a tux here. On the whole, it looks like Mr. Romney is one to play it safe on the wardrobe department: not one to take risks like Obama's inaugural attire, but also not likely to display the same sharp flair as the incumbent.
It's up to voters to decide then – what kind of fashion will dominate the oval office for the next four years? Will it be a debonair Obama, or will the more reserved Mitt Romney 2012 attitude prevail? You can decide wether your state goes Republican Red or Democratic Blue -- be sure to get out and support your wardrobe of choice on November 6th!
[caption id="attachment_837" align="aligncenter" width="265" caption="A Notch Lapel Tux, the Kind Used Daringly by Barack Obama"]