Avoid a Fashion Faux Pas with Big and Tall Formal Wear
[caption id="attachment_1475" align="alignleft" width="178" caption="Some "oops!" moments in men's formal wear are forgivable. This isn't one of them."]
We've already covered almost every aspect of wearing a tuxedo - from style to form, and even the different kinds of novelty wear. I want to now reach out and help my fellow gentlemen out there who have trouble looking for formal wear because of their big build or taller than usual height. As with any form of clothing, you have to be careful in choosing items that will perfectly match your height and weight.
Just to give you an idea of how important this is, consider these: long shoes look awkward on short people, horizontal stripes are a no-no unless you want to look bigger, and baggy clothing makes skinny people look like they're drowning in their own clothes. When it comes to formal wear for men, guys who are slim and who are of average height don't have much to worry about with regards to finding the right sizes. Bigger and taller people, on the other hand, have the challenge of finding the right sizes for themselves. Clothing companies are more inclined to make clothes suitable for average-sized individuals. Only some companies offer a variety of big and tall formal wear. The dilemma doesn't stop there: to make sure that the fitting doesn't look awkward, finding the right size also means having to remain in style in the process. Here are some tips for those who fit the big and tall description:
Formal neckties do not come in different shapes and sizes. For men who are taller than the majority, it becomes important to know how to wear a necktie correctly. Firstly, make sure that the tie is long enough that it covers most of your shirt's buttons. According to Essortment, a 60/40 division may pass as acceptable for shorter men however, taller men need to create as much as a 75/25 split to ensure a proper look. The obvious solution to this is to keep the narrower portion of the tie as short as possible, depending upon the length of your torso. You should also consider tying small knots, which will effectively use less fabric. Practice a few times in front of a mirror until you can confidently finish the process even if you fall into an unexpected situation and have to be in a hurry.
[caption id="attachment_1269" align="aligncenter" width="744" caption="The Four in Hand knot is the best option for men who are taller than the average (via tie-a-tie.com)."]
There are other ways to go about the height and tie coordination problem. A solution as simple as wearing your pants higher above your hips might work for you. Another trick is by hiding your embarrassingly short necktie with a formal tuxedo vest. Who doesn't like a three-piece tuxedo, after all?
Secondary only to the tuxedo, the dress shirt becomes critically important because it helps bring out the coat and the trousers. Furthermore, you want to be sure that the shirt is of the correct neck size and arm and body length. In cases where greater height and weight is an issue, there are a variety of big and tall tuxedo shirts available for men. It is quite simple to confirm whether or not you're wearing a proper fitting shirt. You'll know it's too big when the sleeves' seams start below the edge of the shoulders. On the other hand, you'll know it's too tight when you tuck the shirt in and the buttons look like they're about to pop off.
While there are other issues bigger and taller men have to combat, like finding the right belt size and wearing your trousers at the right length about the waist, the two that I mentioned are the most common. It is altogether a harsh difficulty to keep up with formal fashion trends for men because companies don't readily manufacture clothing at bigger and longer sizes. This doesn't mean that it's impossible to remain in style and look smart and sharp; you just have to work a little harder. Be more diligent in finding the ideal size in terms of your attire, and you will ultimately shine.